ThePrescotts and Friends

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Username: (Required. Used for labeling comments)
E-Mail: (Optional. Never displayed. Could be used to obtain a temporary password, if provided.)
Password: (Any string, any characters, any length. There are no restrictions. The password will be transmitted in the clear but stored in a one-way hash that cannot be read by anyone including the owner of this site. Do not use this password on any other sites.)
Confirm password:


A login is not necessary to read entries. It is required before posting comments.
2018-07-18. Comments have been disabled for awhile now.

Your username and email are stored in a database on the server.

Your password is sent to the server in the clear, then hashed*, and then stored on the server. The clear text version of your password is never stored.

We also store your IP address. It will only be used in cases of trolling* or phishing*.

Questions or private comments, contact: