ThePrescotts and Friends

PalmDB is a small utility class that reads and writes PalmOS PRC files -- the files which store Palm apps and some data files on your PC. It can be used from the command line to dump the contents of these files, or from a Java program to read and write the files. is a small program which converts any image file Java can handle to the screwy image format used by the "PGPocket" app installed on some Sony Clié models. It is either a nice example of how to use PalmDB, or the reason PalmDB was written, depending on how you look at it. Warning: this is considerably less clean code than the above.

This is Public Domain software. I ask nothing for it except that you don't take credit for my work. I welcome any comments or improvements.


Here's the API, for browsing.


Just grab the source from the links above.

Moss Prescott
22 Sept. 2003